Open-File Oil and Gas Report 19–01.1
Subsurface lithostratigraphy of the oil- and gas-producing regions of Pennsylvania

Carter, K. M.
Suggested Citation:Carter, K. M., 2019, Subsurface lithostratigraphy of the oil- and gas-producing regions of Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Open-File Report OFOG 19–01.1, 5 p. plus appendix, 1 pl. [Available online.]
Description:The subsurface lithostratigraphic correlation diagram contained in this report supersedes two similar products published by the Survey: OF 79–01 (printed and released 40 years prior) and OFOG 07–01.3 (published as a digital product in 2007 and modified twice). OFOG 19–01.1 benefits from newer data associated with unconventional shale gas exploration and development in the state and with research projects assessing the state's potential to store greenhouse gases, wastewater, and natural gas liquids in its subsurface. The report includes a short explanatory text, the correlation diagram, and an appendix that lists informal and drillers' names used for selected units from the diagram. In March 2021, the diagram was corrected to indicate oil production in the Gatesburg Formation, and the report number was updated to note a revision.
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