Trail of Geology 16–115.0
Geology guide to the Yellow Breeches Creek from Messiah College to McCormick Road

Behr, Rose-Anna
Suggested Citation:Behr, Rose-Anna, 2015, Geology guide to the Yellow Breeches Creek from Messiah College to McCormick Road: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Trail of Geology 16–115.0, 14 p. [Available online.]
Description:Trail of Geology 16–115.0 was originally released as Open-File Miscellaneous Investigation 15–21.0, a geologic water-trail guide. The trail of geology series was created to collect guides such as this one into a formal series. TG 16–115.0 provides background information and stop locations for a kayak-based tour of the geology of Yellow Breeches Creek between Cumberland and York Counties, Pennsylvania. The trip starts at the public launch at Messiah College, proceeds downstream to McCormick Road with stops to examine igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. The majority of the rocks are Triassic in age, but Ordovician carbonates are encountered after crossing over the Triassic basin-edge fault. This guidebook includes a map, photographs, and latitude-longitude readings for six stops. Local landmarks and historical features are described along the way.
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