Map 065
Digital shaded-relief map of Pennsylvania

U.S. Geological Survey
Suggested Citation:U.S. Geological Survey, compiler, 1999, Digital shaded-relief map of Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Map 65, scale 1:500,000. [Available online.]
Description:This 1:500,000-scale, shaded-relief map of Pennsylvania was prepared from the 1999 National Elevation Dataset (NED)—a product of the U.S. Geological Survey designed to provide national elevation data in a seamless form with a consistent datum, elevation, unit, and projection. The data values in the NED represent elevations for points that are spaced approximately every 30 meters. Organization contact information that appears on the printed map poster was updated on the scanned image. A tabloid version (1:1,350,000-scale) prepared in 2008 is included in the download for this publication.
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