Map 064
Surficial materials of Pennsylvania (color)

Sevon, W. D.
Suggested Citation:Sevon, W. D., compiler, 1989, Surficial materials of Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Map 64, scale 1:2,000,000. [Available online.]
Description:This page-size map displays the locations of stratified sand and gravel, stream terrace, glacial diamict, and residuum-colluvium-alluvium deposits in the state. Glacial diamict deposits are further segregated on the basis of matrix texture, amount of rock surface covered, degree of weathering and soil development, and degree of erosion since deposition. Differences in the general character of the residuum, colluvium, and alluvium deposits are used to further subdivide those areas on the map. All of the map areas are described in detail on the reverse side of the map sheet.
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