Open-File Surficial Geologic Map 10–01.0
Surficial geology of the Lehighton 7.5-minute quadrangle, Carbon and Lehigh Counties, Pennsylvania

Braun, D. D.
Suggested Citation:Braun, D. D., 2010, Surficial geology of the Lehighton 7.5-minute quadrangle, Carbon and Lehigh Counties, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Open-File Report OFSM 10–01.0, 14 p., 1 map, scale 1:24,000. [Available online.]
Description:This report is a multi-page PDF file that includes a 1:24,000-scale, detailed-reconnaissance, full-color surficial geologic map of the Lehighton 7.5-minute quadrangle in eastern Pennsylvania. The other pages provide map unit descriptions and a discussion of mapping techniques, previous work, and current understanding of the Quaternary history of this glaciated area. A table shows the relationship between published soil map units and the units on the report map. The data presented on the surficial geologic map were compiled in an ArcGIS geodatabase. The geodatabase, associated shapefiles, and an ArcMap document are included in the download for this report.
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