Open-File Report 95–05
Sinkholes and karst-related features of Adams County, Pennsylvania

Kochanov, W. E., and Miller, Rachel.
Suggested Citation:Kochanov, W. E., and Miller, Rachel., 1995, Sinkholes and karst-related features of Adams County, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Open-File Report 95–05, 9 p., 6 maps, scale 1:24,000. [Available online.]
Description:The short text and 6 maps in this report on Adams County are part of a statewide project to identify areas of carbonate bedrock that have had a reported history of sinkhole occurrence, as well as those areas that may be susceptible to sinkhole development. Karst features (surface depressions, sinkholes, and caves) were identified on aerial photography, through field surveys, from literature sources, and based on input from municipalities, state and federal agencies, consulting groups, academia, and the general public. The locations of the karst features are shown on 1:24,000-scale topographic base maps, along with previously mapped (carbonate and adjacent) geologic units.
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