Progress Report 169
Geology of a portion of the Mount Holly Springs quadrangle, Adams and Cumberland Counties, Pennsylvania

Freedman, Jacob
Suggested Citation:Freedman, Jacob, 1967, Geology of a portion of the Mount Holly Springs quadrangle, Adams and Cumberland Counties, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Progress Report 169, 66 p. [Available online.]
Description:Detailed report on the geology of most of the Mount Holly Springs 7.5-minute quadrangle, Adams and Cumberland Counties, Pennsylvania. All but the southeastern corner of the quadrangle was investigated and mapped. Major text topics include introduction, general geology, stratigraphy and petrography, metamorphism, structural geology, geologic history, and economic geology. Three plates are included in the pocket of the report and consist of a geologic map (scale 1:24,000) and cross sections (Plate 1), equal-area nets of structural elements (Plate 2), and sketches showing the plan view and exposed faces in the Philadelphia Clay Company pit.
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