Atlas 189b
Bedrock geology of the Coatesville quadrangle, Chester County, Pennsylvania

Blackmer, G. C.
Suggested Citation:Blackmer, G. C., 2004, Bedrock geology of the Coatesville quadrangle, Chester County, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Atlas 189b, 16 p. [Available online.]
Description:This report describes the bedrock geology, lithology, structure, and tectonic history of the Coatesville quadrangle in the Piedmont province. Rock types include middle Proterozoic basement gneisses and overlying early Paleozoic metasediments comprising clastics and carbonates. Minor serpentinite and metabasalt also occur. Atlas 189b was originally released on CD–ROM. It includes PDF files of a 16-page text and 2 plates, datasets (including GIS data) that are associated with the map plates, and 122 photographic images that can be opened from location points indicated on duplicates of the maps shown on Plates 1 and 2. Plate 1 has a 1:24,000-scale bedrock geologic map, and Plate 2 is a 1:24,000-scale map of exposures and data stations.
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