Atlas 187cd
Geology and mineral resources of the Reading and Birdsboro quadrangles, Berks County, Pennsylvania

MacLachlan, D. B.
Suggested Citation:MacLachlan, D. B., 1983, Geology and mineral resources of the Reading and Birdsboro quadrangles, Berks County, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Atlas 187cd, scale 1:24,000. [Available online.]
Description:Detailed 1:24000-scale geologic map of the Reading and Birdsboro 7.5-minute quadrangles in Berks County, Pennsylvania. The map plate includes three geologic cross sections, a description of the geologic units and their environmental characteristics, a correlation diagram, and a write-up entitled "Structure and Tectonic Stratigraphy." There is a noticeable geologic contrast between the northern and southern areas of the quadrangles—the south having moderately deformed rocks of Triassic and Jurassic age, and the north having highly deformed and imbricately thrusted lower Paleozoic and Precambrian rocks.
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