Mineral Resource Report 073
Tully (Middle Devonian) to Queenston (Upper Ordovician) correlations in the subsurface of western Pennsylvania

Heyman, Louis
Suggested Citation:Heyman, Louis, 1977, Tully (Middle Devonian) to Queenston (Upper Ordovician) correlations in the subsurface of western Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Mineral Resource Report 73, 16 p. [Available online.]
Description:This report uses geophysical logs and well cutting logs from 57 wells to correlate subsurface rock units ranging from the Tully Limestone (Middle Devonian) down to the Queenston or Juniata Formation (Upper Ordovician). The correlations are mostly in western Pennsylvania but also partially cover north-central Pennsylvania, southwest New York, northeastern Ohio, and northwestern West Virginia. A brief text describes the correlations (lateral and vertical), which are displayed on three plates.
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