Mineral Resource Report 006, Part 2
Bituminous coal fields of Pennsylvania—Part II, Detailed description of coal fields

Sisler, J. D.
Suggested Citation:Sisler, J. D., 1926, Bituminous coal fields of Pennsylvania-Part II, Detailed description of coal fields: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Mineral Resource Report 6, pt. 2, 511 p. [Available online.]
Description:This is the second of four parts of a report describing the bituminous coal fields of Pennsylvania during the early twentieth century. It is a highly illustrated, detailed compilation of both geological and mining data that was gathered from mine inspectors’ responses to questionnaires, visits to hundreds of mines, drill-hole information, and published materials. The text sections are organized by county (or group of counties) and then further broken down by coal seam. Plate 1, a large coal fields map of Pennsylvania, was issued separately as Map 2 in the Pennsylvania Geological Survey's publication series and may also be downloaded from PaGEODE.
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