Atlas 137ab
Geology and mineral resources of the northern half of the New Bloomfield quadrangle (Newport and Duncannon 7.5-minute quadrangles, Perry County)

Dyson, J. L.
Suggested Citation:Dyson, J. L., 1963, Geology and mineral resources of the northern half of the New Bloomfield quadrangle: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Atlas 137ab, 63 p. [Available online.]
Description:Report on the geology and mineral resources of the area covered by the Newport and Duncannon 7.5-minute quadrangles in south-central Pennsylvania. Most of the area is in Perry County, in what is now called the Susquehanna Lowland section of the Ridge and Valley physiographic province. With the exception of a single thin Mesozoic diabase dike, the bedrock consists of folded sedimentary strata ranging in age from Upper Silurian to Upper Mississippian. The major folds plunge eastward, and the rocks have been heavily faulted. The exploitation of mineral resources at the time of publication was limited. A 1:24,000-scale geologic map and accompanying cross sections illustrate the geology and structure of the report area.
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