Water Resource Report 22
Ground-water resources of the Brunswick Formation in Montgomery and Berks Counties, Pennsylvania

Longwill, S. M., and Wood, C. R.
Suggested Citation:Longwill, S. M., and Wood, C. R., 1965, Ground-water resources of the Brunswick Formation in Montgomery and Berks Counties, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Water Resource Report 22, 59 p. [Available online.]
Description:This publication focuses on the groundwater resources of the Late Triassic Brunswick Formation in Montgomery and Berks Counties, but some attention is given to the water-bearing properties of the Lockatong Formation with which the Brunswick is interbedded. The text covers geology, hydrology, and water quality. There is a 1:62,500-scale geologic map of the area showing the Brunswick and Lockatong Formations and well locations. Tables show data complementing the text discussion, including a record of wells, chemical analyses, and sample logs.
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