Atlas 065
Geology and mineral resources of the Punxsutawney quadrangle, Pennsylvania (Punxsutawney, McGees Mills, Rochester Mills, and Burnside 7.5-minute quadrangles, Jefferson, Indiana, and Clearfield Counties)

Ashley, G. H.
Suggested Citation:Ashley, G. H., 1926, Geology and mineral resources of the Punxsutawney quadrangle, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Atlas 65, 145 p. [Available online.]
Description:Detailed report describing the stratigraphy, structure, mineral resources, and water resources of the Punxsutawney 15-minute quadrangle, in west-central Pennsylvania, an area in the Main Bituminous coal field. Particular attention is paid to the geology of the coal mining districts. The report includes 1:62,500-scale maps showing topography, geology (Pennsylvanian rock units at surface), and mineral resources (coal and limestone outcrops, and locations of mines, quarries, and gas wells) and structure (contours on top of Upper Freeport coal). It also has a plate of correlated columnar sections and smaller scale maps showing the thickness and distribution of the Upper and Lower Freeport coals.
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