Open-File Miscellaneous Investigation 21–02.0
Geohydrologic and water-quality characterization of a fractured-bedrock test hole in an area of Marcellus shale gas development, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania

Risser, D. W., Williams, J. H., and Bierly, A. D.
Suggested Citation:Risser, D. W., Williams, J. H., and Bierly, A. D., 2021, Geohydrologic and water-quality characterization of a fractured-bedrock test hole in an area of Marcellus shale gas development, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Open-File Report OFMI 21–02.0, 56 p. plus appendices. [Available online.]
Description:The Bureau of Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey analyzed rock cuttings, geophysical logs, water quality, water-bearing zones, and gas-isotope data from a 1,400-ft-deep test hole drilled in 2013 in fractured bedrock in north-central Pennsylvania. The results of this study helped to quantify the depth and character of fresh and saline groundwater in an area of shale-gas exploration. Stratigraphic information from the test hole aided the Pennsylvania Geological Survey in the bedrock mapping of the Laporte 7.5-minute quadrangle; the hole penetrated rocks from the Mississippian-Devonian Huntley Mountain Formation and the Devonian Catskill Formation.
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