Open-File Miscellaneous Investigation 17–06.0
Water depth of Beltzville Lake—Beltzville State Park, Carbon County, Pennsylvania

Behr, Rose-Anna
Suggested Citation:Behr, Rose-Anna, 2017, Water depth of Beltzville Lake—Beltzville State Park, Carbon County, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Open-File Report OFMI 17–06.0, 3 pls. [Available online.]
Description:This miscellaneous investigation consists of a bathymetric (lake-depth) map of Beltzville Lake in Beltzville State Park, eastern Pennsylvania. The lake depths are presented on a 35-inch by 12-inch color map, and on multi-page color and black-and-white maps that print on 8.5-inch by 14-inch sheets. The report is one of many similar reports that were produced by the Pennsylvania Geological Survey at the request of state park managers and is of use to anglers and boaters visiting the park. In addition to water depths, the maps in these reports display fish-friendly structures, such as stumps or downed trees, and they show amenities in the parks, such as boat ramps, concessions, and restrooms. A readme file reminds the user of the limitations of the maps—although useful as a guide, they are not to be used for navigation.
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