Atlas _17–001.0
Bedrock geology of the Mingoville quadrangle, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Behr, Rose-Anna, and Hand, K. L.
Suggested Citation:Behr, Rose-Anna, and Hand, K. L., 2017, Bedrock geology of the Mingoville quadrangle, Centre County, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Atlas 17–001.0, 62 p. plus appendices, 1 map, scale 1:24,000. [Available online.]
Description:This publication is a detailed, 62-page report on the geology of the Mingoville 7.5-minute quadrangle in central Pennsylvania. The authors described the Upper Cambrian to Upper Devonian sedimentary rocks that crop out in the area, the mapped structures, and the karst features found in the carbonate units. The atlas includes a 1:24,000-scale bedrock geologic map, three tables (structural measurements of bedding and joints, and results of geochemical analyses), and three appendices (measured section of the Reedsville Formation, core description of Reedsville and Antes Formations, and explanation of the use of the term “Oriskany”).
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