Water Resource Report 21
Hydrology of the New Oxford Formation in Adams and York Counties, Pennsylvania

Wood, P. R., and Johnston, H. E.
Suggested Citation:Wood, P. R., and Johnston, H. E., 1964, Hydrology of the New Oxford Formation in Adams and York Counties, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Water Resource Report 21, 66 p. [Available online.]
Description:This is the first of two reports evaluating the Late Triassic New Oxford Formation as a source of groundwater in Pennsylvania. It gives findings for the formation where it occurs west of the Susquehanna River. The second report (Water Resource Report 23) looks at the formation east of the river. Groundwater in the formation occurs both in the regolith and in the relatively unweathered bedrock. With respect to the study area and the formation, the report covers geography, geology, groundwater hydrology, water use, quality of water, and the possibilities for further development. A map (scale approx. 1:62,500) shows the geology and the locations of wells and sampling sites. Tables list variations in precipitation, temperature, well yields by depth, records of wells, drillers’ logs of wells, summary of yield characteristics of wells, and chemical and field analyses of groundwater.
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