Water Resource Report 08
Ground-water resources of the valley-fill deposits of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

Adamson, J. H., Jr., Graham, J. B., and Klein, N. H.
Suggested Citation:Adamson, J. H., Jr., Graham, J. B., and Klein, N. H., 1949, Ground-water resources of the valley-fill deposits of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Water Resource Report 8, 181 p. [Available online.]
Description:This report supplements that part of the groundwater-resources information published in Water Resource Report 1 that pertained to Allegheny County. It focuses on the most important source of groundwater in the county—the alluvium deposits that partly fill the Allegheny and Ohio Valleys. The report presents a fairly complete inventory of municipal and industrial wells in the valley alluvium of the county and describes the utilization of the groundwater derived from those wells. In addition, data on fluctuations of groundwater levels, well logs, chemical analyses of well water, and profiles and maps relating to the valley-fill sediments are presented.
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