Progress Report 146
Ground water resources of the Lansdale area, Pennsylvania

Rima, D. R.
Suggested Citation:Rima, D. R., 1955, Ground water resources of the Lansdale area, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Progress Report 146, 24 p. [Available online.]
Description:This report summarizes the results of a water-resource investigation done in support of the growing community of Lansdale in north-central Montgomery County. The purpose of the investigation was to identify the sources of recharge and to describe the occurrence and movement of groundwater in the area. The Brunswick Shale is the main source of groundwater in the area. The study included water-well exploration using flow meters, caliper logs, and electric logs. An appendix lists records of wells, and there is a table of chemical analyses of water from wells in the area. Plates include a small-scale geologic map of the area, a map of well locations, tentative correlations of electric logs from selected wells (water-bearing zones shown), a water-level contour map (late summer 1954), and hydrographs of selected wells (water fluctuations through recent years).
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